Henty Machinery Field Day News and Current events

      Quality ironing board covers with flair from Suzie Hope
Suzie Hope at her sewing machine.

Quality ironing board covers with flair from Suzie Hope

Suzie Wood has been designing and making quality reversible padded ironing board covers since the early 1980s and this year celebrates 30 years of exhibiting at Country Lifestyle. 

Suzie, of Dubbo, recalls the early 1990s in the Country Lifestyle pavilion under the leadership of Mrs Joan Meyer and paid tribute to the service to exhibitors by the CWA ladies over the years.

“Over the years it has become a wonderful social time with a get together after hours. I have always loved going to Henty, those CWA ladies always look after us so beautifully,” she said.

This year Suzie will have a full range of ironing board covers, including a selection if limited edition designs and orders will also be taken. 

She makes durable, washable and attractive covers for all sizes of boards from table top, pull-out drawer and cabinet centres to freestanding boards from 81cm up to the large 140cm, and made to measure for 140cm plus.

The business has been operating 40 years with new ranges and colours being introduced to meet today’s needs.

In 1983 Suzie decided the old blanket and sheet held together with huge safety pins on the family’s ironing board was past it so she set about designing an ironer-friendly cover.

After several prototypes, Suzie decided a padded and reversible cover worked most effectively to make her ironing life easy. 

The reversible ironing board covers are designed to be used on either side, so can be turned during the long life of the cover – often three to five years or more. 

“The one thing that hasn’t changed over the years has been the quality of the fabric, the generous cut and construction of our covers,” she said. 

“I am proud to boast that fabric offcuts are recycled. We have had many customers whose covers have lasted well over 10 years and in today’s throwaway world it is nice to know you are investing in a quality, locally made product.

“We also custom make covers for people with odd, shaped boards.”

All ironing board covers are made using only the best quality Australian and imported cotton furnishing fabric, and a polyester padding Australian made to specification.

The fabrics are attractive, modern and durable. As well as the standard country range of stripes, ginghams and checks, there is also limited-edition designs of gumnuts, orchids, eucalypt, wild protea, wildflowers, buttercups, Mexicana and fireworks.

The padding and elastic have changed over the many years as have ironing board sizes so Suzie makes covers to fit all sizes.

There are two different styles to choose from, reversible padded and single padded ironing board covers. 

The covers are joined at the outer seam and threaded with elastic cording through that seam, which is measured and tied. 

Washing and fitting instructions are supplied. Simply measure your ironing board from the base to the tip to determine the correct size. 

All covers are to allow a generous undertuck regardless of width and there is plenty of spare elastic if you need to adjust or tighten. 

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