Henty Machinery Field Day News and Current events

     Go-to machine for hard pan busting and rejuvenation
This heavy-duty aerator is the go-to product for pasture, rejuvenation, soil aeration, residue management and hard pan busting.

Go-to machine for hard pan busting and rejuvenation

With a variety of available configurations, the DynaBusta aerator is a truly multi-purpose tool.

Blending strategic vertical tillage with soil aeration and residue management, the DynaBusta can be used to manage residue along with promoting soil health and the regrowth of pastures.

Adjustable angle rolling aerators mounted on rubber suspension are designed to penetrate the soil, break the hard pan, and allow precipitation to reach the roots of plants, while leaving established pastures undisturbed. 

With adjustable aggression on aerators and coulters, growers can control the machine to suit the needs of their pasture.

Ideal for pasture seed and incorporating fertilisers, the DynaBusta is a true one-pass pasture rejuvenator and is an entry in the Henty Machine of the Year Award. 

The coulters are mounted on rubber suspension, and the angle can be easily adjusted, making this product perfect for sizing stubble residues and rank pastures to increase biomass breakdown on the soil surface, shorten nitrogen tie up and increase moisture retention.

The innovative design of the DynaBusta allows the aerators, coulters and crimping roller to be changed out in all tool bar locations. This ensure the DynaBusta will suit the unique needs of each farming operation it is used in.

All units are fitted with a crimping roller, perfect for green manuring and cover cropping. There is also the option to fit a seed box, which provides a machine that eliminates the need for a direct drill when re-establishing old pastures.

Designed and manufactured in Australia by AusCut Global, this heavy-duty aerator is the go-to product for pasture, rejuvenation, soil aeration, residue management and hard pan busting. 

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